Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Rest of the Story

In the Spring of 1988, I was completing my sophomore year at Samford. Dr. Black, director of the A Cappella Choir, invited me to consider an opportunity to spend that summer in West Germany doing music-mission work. Some IMB missionaries with Alabama roots and ties to Samford, were partnering with the German Baptist Union to try a new idea. Their goal was to plant churches in German towns where there was not an evangelical presence. The idea was to use strong churches in nearby towns to partner in planting a new church. We would send 15 students from the Samford Choir to spend the summer in Germany. These students would learn 10 German songs and Dr. Black selected 10 of our songs (in English) which we sent to Germany. The choirs from these established churches in Germany would learn our songs and we would learn their songs. We would then combine with each of these local choirs to work together for evangelistic meetings.

When we first arrived, we had a couple days where all 4 of these church groups came together with us for a time of rehearsal and spiritual direction for the summer. During this time we were also “briefed” on the culture differences and how we could be most effective in our mission efforts. After that, we traveled to 4 different locations, spending two weeks at each singing and working with the German partner choir. We would arrive in a community and help erect a large tent. Here we would hold evangelistic services (in German "Zelt Mission") each night for 2 weeks. The “draw” to encourage people to attend was this mixed “German-American” choir singing together. It was quite unique, to say the least. During the day we sang in all sorts of places from hospitals, children’s homes, nursing homes, on the streets, places of business…even schools and government buildings. We did many concerts in public schools with generous freedom to share as we desired, which was amazing to me! After we would sing, they would usually have us sit in on English classes to answer questions about life in America. The response was remarkable. I don’t ever remember a tent not being full of people for the services in the evenings. We connected with thousands of German youth that summer. It was pretty amazing. I don’t think any of us were anticipating the connection we made with the Christian youth from the choirs with which we sang. A very special bond was created that still exists to this day!

Following that experience, I have had several opportunities to return to Germany to do similar work. In fact, the following summer we returned with the entire Samford A Cappella Choir and were able to sing on the other side of that wall we had seen just the year before which separated East and West. After that, much of the work we did was in East Germany. I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be part of this special mission effort and can look back to see His hand working in my heart through all of these experiences. Needless to say, this experience deeply impacted my walk with Christ and added a new missions gear in my life!

This current opportunity to return to Germany is a huge blessing. Dr. Balck is taking the Samford Alumni Choir to Germany to sing, witness and encourage German Baptist Churches. I am confident that this experience will enrich my life and ministry in many ways! See the video here...


Anonymous said...

test comment

Kerry Palmer said...


I'm so glad that you have this wonderful opportunity. We'll lift you up in prayer back home!