Saturday, November 29, 2008


On Friday we had a long drive to Dutenhofen. This is near the community where Connie Taylor and her family served as IMB Missionaries. Connie is an AC alumnae, is singing on this tour and has done a great job with translating during the concerts. When Connie was here, she directed a handbell choir. That choir came to First Baptist, Decatur about 8 years ago and played in worship. When I got off the bus, a lady came right to me and said, “you are Chip! I remember you!” It was fun to see some of them again. This is a very alive and healthy church. They fed us a wonderful meal and the concert was very well attended. At dinner, a ladies guitar ensemble played a couple songs for us before the Burgermeister (Mayor) gave us an official welcome to the village and gave us some interesting history of the church and community. The church is a very old and beautiful building. After the concert, we had a long drive to Stuttgart where we checked into our hotel. After a short night, we boarded the plane and headed for home. We had an unexpected surprise just before boarding the airplane. My good friend Julie Cook, who is on the Music Ministry staff at FBC Jonesboro, Georgia, looked up at the gate to see her husband John coming towards her. John is a pilot with Delta and swapped routes with someone to be able to fly us home. I have not seen John in a long time so it was fun to reconnect. Plus, I figured that since one of his most precious possessions on planet Earth was on this plane, he’d do everything possible to ensure we arrive safely in Atlanta. This tour has been a great experience and I am so very thankful I was able to participate. For me it has been the “Thanksgiving Tour!” It has made me grateful on so many levels. I realize that the training and musical experiences I had under Dr. Black in the A Cappella Choir were very, very special, and to get the opportunity to relive that experience once again is a huge blessing. DB’s influence on my life and ministry cannot be calculated. In typical “MB fashion,” she had every detail covered and I am thankful for Mama B and all her hard work to make this possible. I am also thankful for the mission fire that was stoked in my heart through the concert tours and tent missions in Germany. It was great to see strong and healthy churches, even in the East where just a few years ago we could not have visited, much less sing about Christ. What a blessing! I will never forget the concert in Schmalkalden where I was able to share a testimony about visiting the border in 1988 just a few kilometers from where we sang this trip. Who would have believed that wall would come down and God would revitalize evangelical churches in the East? Then to have the opportunity to sing in Weimar, where Rick and Nancy Dill and the girls poured out their lives and ministry was a highlight. I have visited there several times before, but had not yet seen the new church building. To see this church thriving is a thrill! The Dills invested so much in the leadership of this church and God continues to shine His light through them. Another blessing I have pondered is the endless treasure of rich friendships that God has allowed me to form through this choir. To look around the choir this week (not while DB is conducting, of course J) and realize the abundance of spiritual depth and musical gifts is astonishing. I am especially thankful for the opportunity I had to room with Joe Estes. Joe is Minister of Music at FBC Trussville where my close friend Buddy Champion is pastor. Joe is an ultra talented musician and has a minister’s heart the size of Europe! I feel blessed beyond measure to even be part of this exceptional group of people. Thanks to all who have been following along and praying us through. It’s been a real “battery charger” for me and again, I am very thankful to my friend and pastor Jay Wolf and the First Baptist Church, Montgomery Missions Factory for allowing me to participate. Finally, my sweet and beautiful Christy never hesitated when I began to consider going. She is eternally supportive and I cannot wait to see my three shining stars when I get off this plane! I am blessed. Thank you, Lord! Hebrews 12:1-2 chip

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